Top Favorite Story


“Jesus said unto her, I am the resurrection, and the life: he that believeth in me, though he were dead, yet shall he live: And whosoever liveth and believeth in me shall never die.” (John 11:25–26).

The twins’ babysitter, Kathryn, asked the boys what they wanted to do.

“We like you reading to us best,” said Samuel.

“Fine, go get your books, and I’ll take our drinks outside. Okay, guys?” Kathryn told them.

Antony held up a book, “Let’s read this one; it’s our top favorite.”

Kathryn smiled as she saw that the book was the Easter story from Mark, chapters 15 and 16. “Here we go, then,” she said and began reading.


When the story was over, Kathryn closed the book.

“He died,” yelled Antony excitedly.

“He went away, but came back again, alive. Jesus is alive!” Samuel shouted. “Clever Jesus. That’s why this book is our top favorite!”

Samuel and Antony are right to be excited. Jesus rose from the dead, which is called His resurrection. Through Jesus’ resurrection, we see the proof of His divine power, because He rose from death by His own power. He conquered death itself, the grave, and all the powers of humanity. Through Jesus’ resurrection we see the proof of His being the Son of God with all power and the ruler of the universe.

Through Jesus’ resurrection, we who have believed on Jesus as our Savior have the promise of our own resurrection when we die. Those who believe in the Lord Jesus Christ can live in His victory over death, and have eternal life.

Jesus died on the cross. He was laid in a tomb. On the third day, He rose again.

My response:

» How do I feel about the Lord Jesus actually dying on the cross, then becoming alive again?

» Is the Easter story about Jesus one of my favorites?

» Do I believe in the Lord Jesus Christ?

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