DW Whittle
“I know whom I have believed.”
Daniel Webster Whittle was born in Chicopee Falls, Massachusetts, on November 22, 1840. Born to a very godly mother, Daniel Whittle learned about God at a young age. He grew up learning Bible stories and Scripture verses, but he struggled with whether or not to give his life to Christ.
At age 21, Daniel served in the military during the Civil War. In 1861 he enlisted as a second lieutenant and left to fight for one year.
“Major Whittle,” as he would come to be known, was injured in the Civil War and lost his right arm – so he returned home. While in the war hospital, he wanted something to read. He picked up a New Testament to fill his time. While he was reading it, a nurse approached him and asked him to speak to another soldier who was dying. Daniel declined, but the nurse pressed him further. Daniel tells this story:
“I dropped on my knees and held the boy’s hand in mine. In a few broken words I confessed my sins and asked Christ to forgive me. When I arose from my knees, he was dead. A look of peace had come over his troubled face, and I cannot but believe that God, Who used him to bring me to the Savior, used me to lead him to trust Christ’s precious blood and find pardon. I hope to meet him in heaven.”
Shortly after this experience, Daniel Whittle met another man who would influence his life deeply. He met D.L. Moody – the famous evangelist. Mr. Moody recognized that Daniel had musical gifts and encouraged him to join him in his work. Daniel agreed. Over the years, he wrote over 200 hymns, including “The Banner of the Cross,” “There Shall Be Showers of Blessing,” and “Moment by Moment.”
How are you using the gifts and spiritual heritage that God has given you? God gives us chances every day to witness. Are you witnessing?
1 Peter 3:15 – But sanctify the Lord God in your hearts, and always be ready to give a defense to everyone who asks you a reason for the hope that is in you, with meekness and fear.