God Is Love


“But God commendeth his love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.” (Romans 5:8)

“Love” is a hard word to describe. We use it too much. We say we “love” brownies, for instance. And we say we “love” our moms. We might say we “love” the color green or that we “love” rain. So when Romans 8:39 says that nothing can separate us from the love of God, what does that really mean? What does it mean that God loves us?

1 Corinthians 13 explains “love” better than any other chapter in the Bible. Using this chapter, we learn how true love really is defined (what it really means):

     God is patient – He is waiting for you to trust Him.
     God is kind – He is a Father to His people.
     God is not proud – He sent His only Son to die even though He was God.
     God is always the same – He never changes. You can trust Him.
     God wants the best for you – Read Romans 8:28.
     God is happy when you obey.
     God promises never to leave you.
     God hopes that you will grow and offers to help you change.
     God never fails – even though everything and everyone else in life fail.

1 John 4:16 says, “And we have known and believed the love that God hath to us. God is love; and he that dwelleth in love dwelleth in God and God in him.”

The definition (meaning) of true, everlasting love is God Himself! Love was created by God and given by God. No one loves you more than God does. God IS love.

The definition of “love” is God Himself!

My Response:
» Because of things that have happened in my life, do I sometimes struggle to understand the meaning of true love?
» How can I show that I trust in God as the One Who loves me most of all?

God Is Perfect


“As for God, his way is perfect; the word of the LORD is tried: he is a buckler to all them that trust in him.” (2 Samuel 22:31)

When Tracy was in elementary school, she decided she was going to be perfect. She decided she would never sin anymore: She would never talk back to her parents or tell a lie. She would never again fight over toys or demand her own way. She was going to be the world’s first-ever perfect kid.

Most people try to “be good” – but Tracy planned to go one step beyond that: “Be perfect!” And her plan even lasted for a little while! Probably for a whole five minutes or so.

It did not take Tracy very long to learn that the only perfect Person anywhere is God. God has never sinned, and He never will sin. God never had to make the decision – as Tracy did – not to sin. God just didn’t sin because God cannot sin. It is impossible for God to make mistakes. God cannot mess up on accident. God cannot mess up on purpose. God is God. He always has been and always will be absolutely perfect.

Part of God’s “being perfect” means that every decision He makes about you and your life is right. Part of God’s “being perfect” means that every decision He makes about your country and its leadership is right. Part of God’s “being perfect” means that every decision He makes about your family and your parents is right.

Romans 12:2 says, “And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect will of God.”

God’s will is perfect – which means every plan He has for you is perfect: It is the absolute best plan possible. The word “conform” means “to change shape.” So what is the verse saying? God’s job is to be perfect. Our job is to obey Him and submit to His perfect plans.

God cannot make mistakes any more than man can be perfect.

My Response:
» Am I having a hard time accepting something that God is doing in my life right now?
» How can I change my heart’s responses and my words and actions to show that I am trusting a perfect God Who never makes mistakes?

CT Studd


“If Jesus Christ be the Son of God and died for me, then no sacrifice can be too great for me to make for Him.”

Charles Thomas (“C.T.”) Studd was born into a very wealthy family in England on December 2, 1860. His family had “made it rich” in India during a time of British colonization and trade.

By age 16, Studd was a notable cricket player. Cricket is a game that looks a little bit similar to baseball but uses a “bowler” and a “striker” instead of a pitcher and a batter. By his late teen years, Studd had become the captain of his cricket team in college – an honor that is kind of like American sports’ “Most Valuable Player” awards.

When Studd was 18, he was on his way to a game of cricket when a preacher visited his home and stopped him on his way out the door. The preacher asked him whether he was a Christian, and the teenager answered honestly: “No.” He was genuinely converted, though, later during that day. Unfortunately, his life did not immediately change. He would later write,

Instead of going and telling others of the love of Christ, I was selfish and kept the knowledge to myself. The result was that gradually my love began to grow cold, and the love of the world began to come in. I spent six years in that unhappy backslidden state.

The Lord continued to work in Studd’s heart, and eventually he surrendered his other ambitions so that he could be free to go to the mission field of China. This decision went against the wishes of his family.

He became part of a group of pioneering young missionary-candidate friends who were called “The Cambridge Seven.” When he was 25, he received a large sum of money from his family as an inheritance. Rather than spending some of it for himself, he gave it all away for Christ. He gave the money to orphanages and churches and preachers who needed it most.

It cost God more to forgive you than it did for you to receive His forgiveness. You could never pay Him back, but are you giving to Him and to His people as a way of showing your love and gratitude? Are you telling others about the good news that Jesus Christ’s sinless life and sacrificial death took away the curse for anyone who trusts Him as Lord and Savior?

2 Corinthians 9:7 – So let each one give as he purposes in his heart, not grudgingly or of necessity; for God loves a cheerful giver.

God Is Truth


“He is the Rock, his work is perfect: for all his ways are judgment: a God of truth and without iniquity, just and right is He.” (Deuteronomy 32:4)

God keeps His promises. If you can find one promise in the entire Bible that God cannot keep, then God is not the God He says He is. The fact that God is truth is another way that God shows His perfection. His Word is perfectly reliable; He cannot help but speak truth. He never, ever lies. God is truth. Here are some important, truthful promises that He has made to you, if your trust is in Him –

      God promises never to leave you. (Hebrews 13:5)
      God promises to take care of your needs. (Philippians 4:19)
      God promises to hear you when you are in trouble. (Psalm 50:15)
      God promises to love you. (1 John 4:16)
      God promises everlasting life to you if you trust in Him. (John 3:16)

People will disappoint you. Your friends will sometimes make promises they cannot keep. Your family will sometimes say things they do not mean. Your classmates will sometimes lie or forget to keep their promises. Why? Because humans sin and cannot be perfect. But God is perfect. Every word of God is true. Psalm 33:4 says, “For the word of the Lord is right; and all his works are done in truth.”

Would you like to do something fun?

Go on a scavenger hunt through your Bible and find as many of God’s promises as you can. You will find hundreds of them, if you look closely. Underline them and remember them. Tell God how you feel about the promises you find.

And most of all, remember – whatever God says He will do, He will do it!

It is impossible for God to lie.

My Response:
» Do I take God at His Word?
» Am I showing by my thoughts and actions that I believe God will follow through with what He says He will do?

God Is There


“Whither shall I go from thy spirit? or whither shall I flee from thy presence? If I ascend up into heaven, thou art there: if I make my bed in [the grave], behold, thou art there. If I take the wings of the morning, and dwell in the uttermost parts of the sea; Even there shall thy hand lead me, and thy right hand shall hold me.” (Psalm 139:7-10 )

God is there, wherever you are. There is nowhere you could go where God would not be with you. Whether you are in a foreign country, on a boat in the middle of the sea, or in an empty old house all alone – God is there.

Maybe you feel lonely or upset and need comfort. God is there. No matter where you are, God is always with you – to guide you, to comfort you, to befriend you. He cares for you. He will lead you and hold you and carry you through difficult situations.

Maybe you are trying to hide from God. Are you committing secret sins that you think no one knows about? God is there. He sees everything you do. He even understands your thoughts. You could never get yourself out of God’s presence, even if you wanted to. God’s eyes are always upon you.

You cannot see God with your eyes, but He is there – guiding, protecting, keeping you, and watching everything you do. What a comfort to think that, even if you were to flee (run away) to the farthest part of the world, God is there.

God is always there, no matter where I go.

My Response:
» Am I forgetting that God is with me today?
» Are there ways I can show that I believe God is there, wherever I might be?