God Knows His Creation


“He telleth the number of the stars; he calleth them all by their names.” (Psalm 147:4)

Molly loved to visit her grandma on her farm in Missouri. Because Grandma lived so far away from all the city lights, Molly could see many more stars there than she could at her house in the city. She would lie in the grass on a summer night, just staring into the sky. It seemed like the longer she looked, the more stars there were. Millions and billions and trillions of stars.

The Scripture says that God, the Creator, knows the number of the stars. And not only that, but He also knows all of their millions and billions and trillions of names! His knowledge of His creation is infinite.

The God who created each of the stars created you, too. He knows your name, too. And He knows you – from the inside out. He knows all of your thoughts, good and bad. He knows your fears and your desires. He knows what makes you cry. He knows what you love most. He knows things about you that you don’t even know yourself! He knows all this – and He loves you.

God’s knowledge of His creation is both infinite and personal.

My Response:
» Am I willing to ask God to show me things about myself that need to change?

God Is Omnipresent


“The eyes of the LORD are in every place, beholding the evil and the good.” (Proverbs 15:3)

“Pretend I’m there and behave accordingly!”

Those were the words of a note Annie received in sixth grade. Her mom had gone on a long trip and had left that note to remind her that – even though she was gone – she expected Annie to act the same way she would have if her mom were still there.

Pretending her mom was watching her made Annie act differently. Sbe did her homework. She practiced the piano. She obeyed her teacher. She cleaned her room. She knew if Mom found out that she did wrong, she was in big trouble.

Did you know that God is always watching? He doesn’t go on vacation, and He never sleeps. He is in the United States of America, and He is in Africa, and He is in church, and He is in your bedroom – all at the same time. God is omnipresent – everywhere at one time. His eyes are everywhere, seeing the good and seeing the bad.

David, one of the many men God used to write down His words, said in Psalm 139: 7, “Whither shall I go from thy spirit? Or whither shall I flee from thy presence?” In other words – is there any place where we can hide from God? David’s answer: no.

A child of God cannot hide from Him. God is watching us when we are scared. He protects us when we are in trouble. He holds our hand when we need help. He hears us when we cry. He is happy when we rejoice. He also knows when we sin, and He loves us too much to let us get away with it.

Know that God is there – and behave accordingly!

God is everywhere, seeing everything.

My Response:
» Will I behave differently today if I remember that God is always watching?

God Is My Refuge


“Trust in him at all times; ye people, pour out your heart before him: God is a refuge for us.” (Psalm 62:8)

Do you ever need a refuge? A refuge is a place where you go to be safe, a place where you can be free from danger and fear. Everyone is afraid at times. You might feel fearful when you’re alone or when you’re in bed at night with darkness all around. Sometimes you might worry that something bad will happen to your mom or dad. Sometimes you’re afraid because you know you’ve done something wrong – even if you haven’t been caught yet.

God wants to be your refuge at those times. He tells you to pour out your heart to Him. Does that mean you need to use just the right words when you pray? Should you try to pretend you’re a brave, good person who doesn’t really need His help? Pouring out your heart means telling Him exactly how you feel – because He already knows. Tell Him you feel afraid, or tell Him you know you’ve sinned and need His forgiveness. He is greater than anything that you fear. And He cares for you.

God wants to be a refuge for me when I am afraid.

My Response:
» Am I keeping fear or sin in my heart instead of pouring it out to God?

God Is Safety

“I will both lay me down in peace, and sleep: for thou, Lord, only makest me dwell in safety.” (Psalm 4:8)

When Corey was scared, there was only one place he wanted to be. If he had a nightmare, if thunder clashes woke him up, or if the tree branches outside his window looked like giant hands ready to grab him, he ran to his parents’ bedroom. In their room there was a small space between the wall and the bed, and Corey was allowed to sleep there on the floor when he was scared. Corey knew that if someone or something was going to get him, they would have to crawl over his dad first. And Corey knew that his father would never let anything bad happen to him.

Proverbs 29:25 says, “The fear of man bringeth a snare: but whoso putteth his trust in the LORD shall be safe.” The word snare means trap. Man isn’t strong enough to win every battle or defeat every bad guy. If we trust in men and not in God, we will end up being trapped someday.

The Bible says that God is the only One who can provide true safety. He holds us in the palm of His hand. Just like the game where someone holds a penny in his fist and someone else tries to pry open his fingers to get the penny, God holds us, and no one is strong enough to pry open God’s hand. No one!

Next time you’re scared, tell God. If you’re scared of school, talk to God – He knows all the answers. If you’re scared of a person, talk to God – He made that person. If you’re scared of the unknown, talk to God – He knows all. God is safety; run to Him!

God is the only one who can keep you safe.

My Response:
» What are some things that I fear?
» Can I trust God with my fears?

God Is Powerful


“Ah Lord God! Behold, thou hast made the heaven and the earth by thy great power and stretched out arm, and there is nothing too hard for thee.” (Jeremiah 32:17)

Scientists tell us that there are at least 70 sextillion stars in the universe. Wow! That’s the number 7 followed by 22 zeroes!

Scientists also tell us that the Pacific Ocean holds 192 quintillion gallons of water and that the surface of the sun is 16 times hotter than boiling water.

Have you ever stopped to think that there is always enough oxygen for everyone in the world to breathe every day? In fact, by the time you are ten years old, you’ve taken about 74 million breaths.

So what or who could be more powerful than these facts? GOD! Genesis 1:1 says, “In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.” God is so powerful that in one week and with one voice He made the world. He made the sextillion stars, the quintillion gallons of water, and the sun that is hotter than you can imagine. Nobody helped Him or told Him how to do it. He just said, Let there be light: and there was light (Genesis 1:3).

God is powerful. He has more power than all the people in the world combined. So who do you go to for help? Why not go to your powerful God! He wants to help you.

God has the power to help you; nothing is too difficult for Him!

My Response:
» In what ways do I need God’s help?
» Do I trust God to help me and answer my prayers?