God Loves the Truth


“He is the Rock, his work is perfect: for all his ways are judgment: a God of truth and without iniquity, just and right is he.” (Deuteronomy 32:4)

Does God ever lie? No, He cannot lie. He is a God of truth and does not sin, so He never says anything that is not true. Everything in His Word is absolutely true.

God wants us to tell the truth, too. Have you ever told a lie? Sometimes we plan ahead of time to tell a lie, maybe to cover a mistake we’ve made. Maybe your little brother rubs a whole can of red Play-Doh into the carpet because you weren’t paying attention when you were babysitting him, so you decide that when your mom gets home, you’ll tell her that it happened when you had to go answer the phone.

Other times, lies just sort of slip out when we’re under pressure. Maybe your dad asks if you fed the dog, and you say you did – even though you didn’t – because you’re in the middle of a video game and don’t want to stop.

We have all lied about something, and sometimes we don’t take those lies seriously. Lying is sin. In fact, the Bible even says that God hates lying. In Proverbs 6, God lists six things He hates. Only one sin is listed twice in that list: lying! God wants us to tell the truth. When we tell a lie, we need to confess our sin to God, and then we need to confess our sin to the person we lied to and tell the truth instead.

God is Truth, and He hates lies.

My Response:
» Have I been telling the truth? Do I need to confess a lie – to God and to the person I lied to?

God Is Our Refuge


“I will say of the LORD, He is my refuge, and my fortress: my God; in him will I trust.” (Psalm 91:2)

In the news, we hear a lot about refugees. We talk about those people, and we see pictures of them on TV. But who are they really? They are people who are looking for safety and help. For one reason or another they have been put out of their homes and villages – usually because of war – and are seeking a new place to live and a brand new start in life. We have refugees come to the United States sometimes because they can’t live in their own countries anymore. Just as those people are looking for a safer, better place to live and raise their families, you and I are spiritual refugees. We are searching for a safe place, a refuge – and we find it in God.

The dictionary defines refuge as “a source of help, relief, or comfort in times of trouble.” How is God my refuge? Psalm 91:2 refers to a spiritual refuge, not necessarily a physical one. When we are tempted to sin, what do we do? We need to find a place to get away from the temptation so that we don’t sin. God provides that place. When we are tempted to sin we can run to Him, pray, and ask His help – and He will be our refuge, our source of help and comfort, our safe place.

Next time you are faced with temptation and don’t know what to do, run to God, your refuge. Talk to Him, read His Word, and let Him protect you and be your hiding place from sin and temptation.

God provides safety from all spiritual danger.

My Response:
» Is there any temptation that I need to resist by fleeing to God for protection?

God Delights To Answer Prayer


“If ye then, being evil, know how to give good gifts unto your children, how much more shall your Father which is in heaven give good things to them that ask him?” (Matthew 7:11).

Regular readers, please see a special note for you at the foot of this devotional.*

When Michele was eleven, her best friend left their school to go to a different school. Michele’s class was small, and she didn’t feel close to any of the other three girls in the class. She wanted so much to have a best friend that she could talk to.

That summer before sixth grade, Michele’s mom said, “Why don’t you pray that God will send a new girl to your class next year to be your close friend?” She took her mom’s advice and started praying. But she didn’t have much faith. Where would a new girl come from? And even if a new girl did come, would she really want to be her friend? Michele dreaded the beginning of the new school year, because she didn’t believe God would answer her prayer.

Then in August, a new girl named Kelly and her family started coming to Michele’s church. God had moved her all the way to Kansas from the island of Guam in the Pacific Ocean! That fall, Kelly was in Michele’s sixth grade class. She was so cheerful and friendly that it was easy for Michele to get to know her. They quickly became best friends and went through the rest of high school together. They even attended the same college for four years, and still keep in touch today.

Michele would tell you now that God delights to answer the prayers of His children. It brings Him glory when we ask and truly depend on Him for things we need. If we ask for things that are good for us, He is pleased to give them to us at just the right time. But sometimes He goes beyond giving us what we ask for. Often, His gifts are better than anything we could have asked for or even imagined. And His gifts are always the best thing for us.

God delights to answer the prayers of His children.

My Response:
» What am I praying for?
» Am I praying with faith that God will answer in the best way?

* Dear Reader,
On behalf of Kids 4 Truth, I apologize that this devotional is so similar to the one posted a week later, which is an edited version of the same thing. We are very sorry that this happened, and it was difficult to fix because the mistake was caught after the audio was recorded. This is the older, un-edited version. The February 21st version is the newer, edited devotional. ~ Joy McCarnan, K4T Executive Editor

God Has Not Given You a Spirit of Fear


“For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind” (II Timothy 1:7).

One day when Kelly was in second grade, she flipped a few pages ahead in her math book and saw little clocks all over the pages. She was going to have to learn how to tell time—on non-digital clocks! She was terrified. She was sure that she would never be able to learn that. From that moment on, she worried and worried and worried about the clock lesson.

When the day came to learn about telling time, Kelly was so worried and fearful that she could not even concentrate on the lesson. Just as she had feared, when she got her clock paper back, there were checkmarks next to almost every problem and a sad face at the top of the page! Her fear about that math lesson had taken over her mind and kept her from understanding.

Kelly eventually learned how to tell time on regular clocks. But she still sometimes allows herself to be controlled by sinful fear about other things. Any time that we are being controlled by fear, we are not being controlled by God. His Word says that fear does not come from Him. Instead, He gives us a spirit of power, love, and control. With God in control, we can be calm and clear-thinking, and we can obey everything that God tells us to do.

God does not give us a fearful spirit.

My Response:
» Is there sinful fear in my life that I need to confess to God?