God’s Gifts Cannot Be Bought


“Then laid they their hands on them, and they received the Holy Ghost. And when Simon saw that through laying on of the apostles’ hands the Holy Ghost was given, he offered them money, saying, Give me also this power, that on whomsoever I lay hands, he may receive the Holy Ghost. But Peter said unto him, Thy money perish with thee, because thou hast thought that the gift of God may be purchased with money.” (Acts 8:17-23)

At a glance, it may seem as though Peter is being a bit harsh on Simon–someone who claimed to be a brand new believer. While it is good to be gentle in spirit toward anyone who is wrong spiritually, it is also most important to point out the seriousness of a sin against the Holy Spirit’s testimony.

There was nothing wrong with Simon’s desire to be a part of sharing the Holy Spirit, but Simon believed he could purchase God’s gift with money. One may think that could be a simple mistake of a new believer, but it goes deeper than that. Simon was showing that he really did not yet have a good understanding of God. Peter even says “May your money perish with you” so that leads us to believe that Simon was not truly saved from his sin, even though he claimed to believe in Jesus. To truly understand and accept the gift of salvation, you need to realize there is absolutely nothing you can do to get it!

Ephesians 2:8-9 says, “For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: Not of works, lest any man should boast.” This verse says you cannot do any good deed or work in order to “earn” your salvation from God. It is only through God’s gifts of grace and faith that you are able to receive anything good from God!

Paying money, donating time, helping the poor — all those things are good, but you cannot expect to receive God’s blessings and gifts because you do those things. Doing good things to get good things is the absolute opposite of what God desires! You should do good things, but you should do them because of your understanding about who He is and what He did for you — and our Lord Jesus Christ did not live a sinless life, die, and rise again so that you could try to “earn your own way” to heaven by good works.

Because Simon believed he could buy God’s gift from Peter, he revealed a dangerous view of God. Trying to work for good things will have you constantly wondering if you’ve done enough to earn God’s approval. God wants us to know He paid it all for us to have our sins forgiven and have a right relationship with Him. He wants us to be sure that there is nothing we can do to work our way to salvation. He wants the glory He deserves for being so gracious to give us salvation as a free gift!

Recieve God’s gift and serve Him in humility because of what He’s already freely given.

We cannot “earn” God’s gracious gifts.

My Response:
» Do I ever try to work my way into pleasing God?
» Am I ever tempted to forget Who gets the credit for changes in my life?
» How can I help others learn the lesson Simon learned about God’s free gifts?

God Is Always Alive — Everywhere!


“And they found the stone rolled away from the sepulchre. And they entered in, and found not the body of the Lord Jesus. And it came to pass, as they were much perplexed thereabout, behold, two men stood by them in shining garments: snd as they were afraid, and bowed down their faces to the earth, they said unto them, Why seek ye the living among the dead?” (Luke 24:2-5)

In Luke 24, Jesus had already been crucified and buried in the tomb. The people who loved Him were heartbroken. Three women went to Jesus’ tomb, only to find it empty. As they wonder what happened, two angels reminded them that Jesus had taught His disciples He would rise up again after three days. The angels told the women that Jesus was not dead anymore–He is now among the living!

When the women told this to the rest of Jesus’ disciples, they did not believe the news. Peter and John ran to the tomb, and they also found it empty. They believed, but they were still very confused about what had really happened and where Jesus was if He was not in His grave!

A couple days later, two other followers of Jesus were walking along on a road with a stranger who had joined them. They did not realize it at first, but it turned out that the stranger was Jesus Himself, and He preached to them a message that showed the Gospel story from the Old Testament until His resurrection. Imagine how it would be if Jesus Himself came and talked over the Gospel with you, with His scarred hands and feet and all His knowledge of the Scriptures!

It was not until later that the men finally realized who had been walking and talking with them. In Luke 24:32, they say, “Did not our heart burn within us, while he talked with us by the way, and while he opened to us the scriptures?”

Does your heart ever “burn within” you when you hear the Gospel story preached? If you are a believer, do you spend time thinking about what Jesus Christ’s resurrection means for you personally? Are you confused like Jesus’ disciples were at first, or have you really come to understand that Jesus is no longer dead? When we talk to Jesus and seek to know Him better, we need to remember to seek for Him among the living. He is not just a story. He is not a dead and buried historical prophet. He is God–so He is everywhere at once–and He is alive!

Jesus Christ is living, not dead! We can seek Him anytime, anywhere.

My Response:
» Do I sometimes pray or listen to preaching as though the Gospel were just a pretend story?
» What habits would I change if I really believed and acted like God is alive and everywhere?
» How can remembering that Jesus has power over death help me be brave in fighting sin and sharing the Gospel?

Anna B Warner

“Lord, if I may, I’ll serve another day!”

Anna Bartlett Warner, the daughter of a well-respected New York lawyer, was born on August 31, 1827, in Long Island, New York. In Long Island, the Warner family had been known for being very rich. But then came the Great Depression1. The Great Depression was a difficult time in history. The stock market crashed, and the value of the dollar went very low. People everywhere lost their jobs and their money. Many people lost everything they had.

Because of their losses, the Warners had to move to their summer home, and Anna was expected to get a job. She chose to be an author – writing novels which became famous during her lifetime. What became even more famous, however, were the hymns and songs that she wrote. She wrote the following song for a little boy in Sunday School who was dying:
Jesus loves me – this I know,
For the Bible tells me so.
Little ones to Him belong;
They are weak, but He is strong.
Yes, Jesus loves me.
Yes, Jesus loves me.
Yes, Jesus loves me. The Bible tells me so.

“Jesus Loves Me” has become perhaps the most well-known Christian song in history.

When the Chinese Christians were persecuted they had no way of letting their brothers and sisters in Christ know that they survived. In 1972, some Christians in America received a strange message from their friends in China. The message said that the “This I know” people were fine! The Chinese police thought it was just a silly message, so they let it go through. The Americans knew right away that the Chinese Christians were referring to Anna Warner’s sweet song – “Jesus Loves Me.”

Are you serving God with the gifts He has given you? Is Anna Warner’s song a good reminder to you that God loves you? He loves you more than anyone else ever could! Loving other people is a sign that you love God. Are you loving others today?

1 John 4:8 – He who does not love does not know God, for God is love.

[1] Note: The Warner family lost their fortune during the Panic of 1837, a recession that lasted until the mid-1840s, not the Great Depression of 1929-1933.

God Created Everything in Six Normal Days


“And God saw every thing that he had made, and, behold, it was very good. And the evening and the morning were the sixth day.” (Genesis 1:31)

Have you ever built something? Maybe you wanted to build a bird-house or a dog-house. Stop and think how long it took you to build whatever you built. How long did it take you? Did it take you a day? Two days? Maybe even a week?

Now take a look around you. Look at the sky, the trees, and the ground. Look at your brother and sister, and your mom and dad and your friends. Now think of all the billions of people in the world and the trillions of animals and the quadrillions of stars and planets. Can you believe that God created all that and everything else in just six days? Not six years. Not six months. Not even six weeks. Just six days!

Almighty God created everything out of nothing. Nothing existed before God created it–nothing except for God himself. If you were to build a bird-house, you would probably copy another one that has already been built. At least you have seen one before to know what one looks like. But, when God created everything, He not only made it, but He imagined everything first. A tree never existed, before God made it; and neither did water or a fish or a human! And God created everything, and He did it out of nothing, in only six days! (Genesis 1:31)

There are some people who would like to tell you that the six days we read about in the Bible are not six actual days. They think that the word “day” represents a year or a hundred years or even thousands of years. However, if God would have wanted to say “a year,” He would have said “a year.” A “day” means a “day.” And our great Creator God created everything in these six days.

So, look around today, and think about all that God has created. He is our Almighty Creator. Praise Him! He created everything for His own glory’s sake, so we ought to worship Him.

God created everything out of nothing in only six days, all by Himself.

My Response:
» Do I meditate on how great the one true God must be?
» Am I living like God created me to live?
» How can I share with others what the Bible says about Creation?

God is the Good Shepherd

“The LORD is my shepherd; I shall not want. He maketh me to lie down in green pastures: he leadeth me beside the still waters. He restoreth my soul: he leadeth me in the paths of righteousness for his name’s sake. ” (Psalm 23:1-3)

450 Sheep Jump to their deaths in Istanbul, Turkey “‘First, one sheep jumped to its death. Then stunned Turkish shepherds, who had left the herd to graze while they had breakfast, watched as nearly 1,500 others followed, each leaping off the same cliff,’ Turkish news media reported. In the end, 450 dead animals lay on top of one another in a billowy white pile. Those who jumped later were saved as the pile got higher and their falls more cushioned.”

Wow. What a story! It is amazing to think that these sheep would be so dumb that they would jump off a cliff to their deaths. Before you say too many mean things about the sheep, though, remember what Isaiah 53:6 says: “All we like sheep have gone astray; we have turned everyone to his own way and the Lord hath laid on Him the iniquity of us all.”

What a humiliating thought it is to remember that we are spiritually what those sheep were physically. It sure makes perfect sense that we would need a good, guiding shepherd. Remember this: We are the sheep, and God is the good Shepherd.

Psalm 23 says, “The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want.” The shepherds of the cliff-jumping sheep in the news story had left their flocks in order to take a breakfast break. In other words, they were busy feeding themselves instead of watching over the sheep that were in their care. Is God that kind of shepherd? No, He laid down His life for His sheep. The Lord Who is our Shepherd never leaves or forsakes His sheep.

We may stumble and fall as we travel from pasture to pasture, but our Shepherd is always there to help us up clean us up and lead us along. Maybe you have sung the hymn that goes like this: “In shady, green pastures so rich and so sweet, God leads His dear children along.” A shepherd protects and provides for his sheep. A good shepherd leads sheep to where the grass is green and where the clear water is flowing. He makes sure they are well taken care of.

God is our Shepherd and supplies the spiritual “food” that satisfies and nourishes our souls. Are you being satisfied with the spiritual food of the God’s Word? Are you being led by the good Shepherd? Stay away from spiritual “cliffs”! Do not destroy yourself by straying and wandering from the care and guidance of the good Shepherd. Rebellion against God’s shepherding leads to spiritual death and defeat. Remember: We are the sheep. God is the good Shepherd. Cling near the Shepherd’s side. Spend time listening to His voice, and follow His leadership. If you do, you will be protected and safe. You will be provided for and satisfied. And you will enjoy the fellowship that is only possible in the presence of the Lord.

God is the good Shepherd. His sheep know His voice and follow Him.

My Response:
» Am I tempted sometimes to go do my “own thing” even if it goes against God’s leading?
» How should trusting in God’s direction and provision help me fight against temptations to sin against Him?
» What can I do to help other “sheep” who are heading off on their own self-destructive way?