God Is the Greatest Teacher


“Thou hast commanded us to keep thy precepts diligently. O that my ways were directed to keep thy statutes!Then shall I not be ashamed, when I have respect unto all thy commandments. I will praise thee with uprightness of heart, when I shall have learned thy righteous judgments.” (Psalm 119:4-7)

God knows exactly what circumstances to give you to teach and bring you closer to Him.

One day, Mrs. Blackburn decided to make a pitcher of tea. She had never made a whole pitcher of tea before, but she figured you just boil some water and pour it into a pitcher with tea bags. What could go wrong? As she boiled the water, she pulled the pitcher off the shelf and threw 5 or 6 tea bags in it. When the water started boiling, Mrs. Blackburn picked up the pot to pour out the water, but then she set it down. It was a big pot, and she figured it would be better to move the pitcher from the counter to the sink – in case she spilled some. After she poured the water in, Mrs. Blackburn happily said to herself “I didn’t spill a drop!” Then, to her surprise, as Mrs. Blackburn picked up the pitcher, the whole bottom fell out and boiling hot tea splashed all over the sink! At first, Mrs. Blackburn was just annoyed at her folly – this was a glass pitcher, and she hadn’t even thought it might break! But in the end, Mrs. Blackburn was thankful she had put the pitcher in the sink before pouring. Boiling water all over her stomach and legs would have been far more serious than a broken pitcher.

It probably was not a sin to pour boiling water into a glass pitcher – Mrs. Blackburn was not breaking any of God’s commandments by doing so! But in a way, God very gently warned her never to do that again! God knows exactly what circumstances to give you to teach you and bring you closer to Him. Sometimes He uses painful circumstances to teach us lessons; sometimes He teaches us things without bringing pain. But there’s one thing to remember no matter what method God uses: God will always do just what’s right for you. In fact, God is gentle with His people even when He brings them severe pain.

God is the best teacher because He knows what we need to learn and how we need to learn it.

My Response:
» Are there any circumstances in my life that God is using to teach me a lesson? Am I learning?

God Is My Strength

“The LORD is my strength and song, and he is become my salvation: he is my God, and I will prepare him an habitation; my father’s God, and I will exalt him.” (Exodus 15:2)

Hooves pounding, chariots racing, spears glistening in the sun—the children of Israel looked back and saw Pharaoh and his army coming after them.

The Israelites left Egypt and were on their way to the Promised Land, when they found themselves standing at the Red Sea. Around that time, Pharaoh decided that he wanted his slaves back and began pursuing the Israelites. Suddenly, the children of Israel were in a “box” situation, surrounded on all sides with no way out. But God is always watching over His children. He brought deliverance to the children of Israel by parting the Red Sea and allowing them to cross on dry ground before the Red Sea came crashing down on the Egyptians.

After this huge deliverance, Moses wrote a song of praise to the Lord. He praised the Lord for showing His strength to His children and proving His control of every situation. When you are weak and surrounded with no way out, the Lord promises to be your strength. He will show His might and His power to you. There is no circumstance too big for God to handle. As a child of God, you need to remember that through every trial, God is in control. Not only will He show you that He is your God, but He will also take care of you and be your strength.

There are no situations that are too big for God to handle.

My Response:
» Do I allow God’s strength to help me handle life’s situations?
» Do I praise God for being my strength?

God Has A Plan For Each of Us


Psalm 25:4-5 “Shew me thy ways, 0 Lord: teach me thy paths. Lead me in thy truth, and teach me: for thou art the God of my salvation; on thee do I wait all the day.”

God promises to be with us every step of the way.

Have you ever thought, “I’m really just a “nobody” and what can I do for God?” Moses felt that way. Moses tells God in Exodus 3:11 “Who am I, that I should go unto Pharaoh, and that I should bring forth the children of Israel out of Egypt?” And in Exodus 4:10, And Moses said unto the LORD, “0 my Lord, I am not eloquent, neither heretofore, nor since thou hast spoken unto thy servant: but I am slow of speech, and of a slow tongue.” Moses begged God to send another, but the Lord became angry and told Moses that his brother Aaron could help and speak the words that should be said. Then God said this to Moses, “And thou shalt speak unto him (Aaron) and put words in his mouth: and I will be with thy mouth, and with his mouth, and will teach you what ye shall do.”

God had a very special plan that needed to be accomplished. God chose someone to complete the task who was not famous or popular. I don’t believe Moses went around thinking, “I want everyone to notice me. I must do something great!” He had a humble heart and a desire to serve yet felt he wasn’t worthy. God said something very important to Moses, “I will teach you what ye shall do.” God is still looking today for someone who is not proud, but someone who desires to serve with humility. God has a specific plan for those who are willing to step forward and say they will do what God wants them to – even though they feel the task is too hard. God promises to be with us every step of the way.

Jim Elliot


“He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep to gain what he cannot lose.”

Many thought it was a waste of a good life when Jim Elliot announced he was going to spend his life on a foreign mission field. His life and death, however, encouraged thousands to follow his example. Was his life a waste? You decide….

Philip James Elliot was born on October 8, 1927, in Portland, Oregon. His father was an evangelist, and his mother was a chiropractor. Growing up, Jim and his three siblings were introduced to countless missionaries who visited in their home and told them exciting stories about Gospel work.

In 1945, Jim went to Wheaton College. He became a star on the wrestling team, and roomed with Pete Fleming. Together, these two friends dedicated their lives to whatever Christ had for them.

During his junior year of college, he met a godly girl named Elisabeth Howard. They had a long courtship, and then were married on his 26th birthday. Following their marriage, the Elliots continued to form detailed plans on how they could best reach the most unreached Ecuadorian natives with the Gospel. They knew the Aucas were a hostile tribe in Ecuador, but the added risk did not matter to them. They enlisted the help of four other men – including Elliot’s old college roommate, Pete Fleming – and made plans to take the good news specifically to the Aucas.

Little did these five men and their families know that their mission to the Aucas would be the last thing they ever did. On January 8, 1956, some misunderstandings and hostility came to a head, and the Aucas turned against their would-be friends and evangelists. All five of the missionary men were speared to death by those whom they had endeavored to reach.

Through their own family members and those back home who heard about their testimonies, though, the men’s mission to reach the Aucas eventually came to pass. Elisabeth Elliot stayed on and Nate Saint’s sister Rachel came to help. Many more young workers were inspired to give their lives to missionary endeavors worldwide as a result of the Ecuador martyrs’ sold-out dedication to spreading God’s Gospel.

As Jim Elliot wrote, “Wherever you are, be all there. Live to the hilt every situation you believe to be the will of God.”

What are you doing for God right now? Are you doing your best in the responsibilities God has given you right now? Your school work? Being in your family and in your church family what you ought to be? Do you take your work and your studies seriously? Wherever you are right now (by God’s grace), “be there” with your whole heart!

1 Corinthians 10:31 – Therefore, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God.

The Pure in Heart Will See God


“Blessed are the pure in heart: for they shall see God.” (Matthew 5:8)

When I was in fourth grade, my family took a trip to Washington, D.C. Before we left, some of my friends at school said, “Maybe you’ll get to see the President!” I wasn’t too sure we would see President Reagan, but I was very excited about the possibility.

One day while we were sightseeing near the White House, we noticed a crowd gathering by the White House fence. Some people had cameras. “What’s going on?” we asked someone in the crowd.

“The President’s helicopter will be landing here soon. We’re all hoping to see him!”

My family joined the waiting crowd. My dad was able to get me right up by the fence where I could see. Sure enough, we soon heard the helicopter coming. It landed right on the White House lawn, and President Reagan got out—on the opposite side from where we were standing. A groan went up from the crowd. We could not see very much of him at all. In fact, from our side of the helicopter, we could see only his feet. Although I was a little disappointed, it was fun to go home and tell my friends that we had seen the President’s feet in Washington, D.C.!

It’s exciting to see a famous person. People will form lines and wait for hours just to get one glimpse of a person they admire. But have you ever thought that someday, all those who have had their hearts cleansed by Jesus Christ will see God? What could possibly compare with the wonder of that? What would it be like to see Him? 1 Timothy 6:16 tells us that God dwells in light so bright that no one can even come near it. People who saw Jesus on this earth saw God in human form, but not in all of the glorious splendor that surrounds Him in heaven. Moses saw a brief glimpse of God’s glory, and even that was enough to make his face shine for days and days.

Jesus gave one condition for seeing God: being pure in heart. Only those who are pure in heart will see Him. And there is only one way to have a pure heart. Jesus Himself must purify it for you with His blood that cleanses from all sin (I John 1:7).

The pure in heart will one day see God in all of His glory.

My Response:
» Has my heart been purified by Jesus Christ?
» Is He daily keeping my heart pure as I confess my sins to Him?