God’s Works Are Wonderful


“One generation shall praise thy works to another, and shall declare thy mighty acts. I will speak of the glorious honour of thy majesty, and of thy wondrous works.” (Psalm 145:4-5)

Maria’s father had surprised her by taking her to visit an aquarium. Maria could hardly believe all the wonderful things she saw there. In one tank were some white fish called “flounder” that could disguise themselves. They would lie flat on the sandy bottom of the tank, blending perfectly with the white sand so that all you could see was their eyes. In another tank were some sea creatures called “cone jellies.” They floated gracefully through the water, and each one had a little light glowing inside of it. Some fish had beautiful bright colors. Some had funny long snouts. And some had feathery-looking fins that swished about them like a lady’s ruffly skirt.

“Dad,” said Maria, “How did God think up so many different kinds of fish to make?”

“It would be hard for us to think up all those fish, wouldn’t it?” said Dad. “But not for our great Creator. He never runs out of ideas for making new things.”

“Some of these fish live way down in the ocean where no one ever sees them,” said Maria.

“You’re right. Why do you think God put them there?”

Maria shrugged her shoulders. “I don’t know. Why?”

Dad leaned closer to a tank to watch an angelfish swimming through a little tunnel of coral. “He says in His Word that all things are created for His pleasure–and that all His works praise Him. So at least one reason He put those fish deep in the ocean is just for His own enjoyment and glory.”

God’s creation is just one of the many wonderful works He has done. Some of His works are recorded in His Word. Some of them are things He has done in the lives of people in history. And some of them are things He has done in our own lives. When we notice His works and praise Him for them, we bring Him glory.

God has done many wonderful works, and He is honored when we notice them and give Him praise.

My Response:
» How many of God’s wonderful works can I think of?
» What wonderful works has He done in my life?

Adoniram Judson


“There is no success without sacrifice.”

He was three years old when he read an entire chapter of the Bible to his father. He was ten years old when he took navigation lessons. He was sixteen years old when he went to college. He was twenty years old when he trusted Jesus Christ as his Lord and Savior.

On August 9, 1788, Adoniram Judson was born in a worn-down wooden house in Malden, Massachusetts. From the time he was a little boy, he was more interested in reading than in playing with his friends. He intended to grow up and become a lawyer or a government official, and he was certainly smart enough to do both! Following college, he started his own school and wrote his own textbooks. Then God took hold of Judson’s life.

Judson dedicated his life to Christ and to the mission field of India on December 2, 1808. He and his wife Ann became the first Protestant missionaries ever to be sent from North America (they became Baptists while studying during their boat trip to India).

After working in India, they moved their ministry to Burma. Using the incredible intelligence God gave him, Judson translated the Bible into Burmese, wrote hymns, inspired missionaries to join him on the field, and shared God’s message of salvation wherever he went. He took only one furlough (a break or vacation), and he died during his last voyage home.

Back when he was in seminary, Judson sent a letter to his future wife. It said, “I have some hope that I shall be enabled to keep this in mind, in whatever I do – IS IT PLEASING TO GOD?”

How often do we ask ourselves that important question? Whom do we seek to please? How about when no one is looking – are you constantly seeking to live your life before God? God is pleased and honored when we seek to glorify and enjoy Him.

Galatians 1:10 – For do I now persuade men, or God? Or do I seek to please men? For if I still pleased men, I would not be a bondservant of Christ.

God Wants You Certain


“And hereby we know that we are of the truth, and shall assure our hearts before him. For if our heart condemn us, God is greater than our heart, and knoweth all things.” (1 John 3:19-20)

When someone asks you whether you know for sure that you are a child of God, how do you respond? I remember as a child trying to answer that question. I would always say, “Yes! I know I’m saved!” After answering, however, I would always ask myself whether or not I really knew for certain.

You see, when I was very young, I prayed with my mother to accept Christ as my Savior. But, I didn’t, and still don’t, remember it! I don’t remember what I prayed, or where I was. I loved going to church, and told my grade school friends about Jesus, but I didn’t remember when I got saved. I was so worried that I would pray, “Lord, if I’m not saved, please save me now.” I prayed this prayer every night! I had no confidence in my salvation, but was too embarrassed to ask my parents or teachers for help.

A few years later, I began reading through the book of 1 John. As I read, I began to see many verses that told me how I could know for sure that I was saved. For example, 1 John 4:15 says that if I confess Jesus Christ as the Son of God, God lives in me, and I live in Him! For each of these verses, I would write a paragraph about how I knew from that verse that I was saved. Even though I don’t remember what I prayed when I asked Jesus to be my Savior, I know that right now I am trusting in His payment on the Cross for my sins! I also know that God cannot fail, and that He has promised that if I believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, then I am (not might be) saved and have eternal life.

Are you struggling with whether or not you are truly saved? Maybe you don’t remember what you said when you prayed for the first time; maybe you don’t know if you said the right words; maybe you don’t even remember praying! Are you worried that you didn’t “do it right” or that God didn’t hear you? 1 John 1:9 says that God is “faithful and just to forgive us our sins” when you confess them to him! When you told God that you were a sinner and asked Him to forgive you, He did! In 1 John 5:11, 13-14, God tells us that we can know – not just guess or hope – that we are truly saved and have eternal life. God knows you better than you know yourself. Even though you may not “feel” saved, God knows whether or not you have truly trusted in Jesus Christ to be your Savior.

If you have doubts about your salvation, read through 1 John, pray that God will give you assurance that you are saved, and talk to your parents or teachers. You can know for certain that you are saved!

God wants you to have assurance that you are His child.

My Response:
» Am I struggling with doubts about my salvation?
» Do I believe that God has heard me and has accepted me as His child?

Jesus Is Our Leader


“And as Jesus passed forth from thence, he saw a man, named Matthew, sitting at the receipt of custom: and he saith unto him, Follow me. And he arose, and followed him.” (Matthew 9:9)

“Hey! Follow me!” And around the big concrete cistern they walked, hopped, and ran. The older ones were the leaders and the younger ones quickly followed. Around and around the hole they went walking and jumping and having a great time. I stood off to the side watching – I was afraid to follow – afraid that I would fall into the big hole. But not my little brother! He ran right up and followed the leader, joining in the game until he tried to jump over the hole like the older, much bigger boys.

“Mom! Dad! Ronald fell into the hole!” My parents and their friends came running to rescue my little brother. Someone went down into the hole and rescued Ronald, and although he looked very hurt and badly shaken, he was okay after a trip to the emergency room.

Ronald got hurt that day because he chose to follow the wrong person. The activity they were doing was unsafe – but he didn’t think about that because he was following someone else. It was not safe for anyone to play around that concrete cistern.

Whom are you following? Are you following Jesus or are you following another person? Are you following the things of Jesus or the things of the world? Jesus wants us to follow Him, much as He called men like Matthew to follow Him during His earthly ministry. It is dangerous to follow the people or things of the world. Follow Jesus!

We should follow Jesus by obeying His instructions.

My Response:
» Am I following Jesus or this world? I can call on God to help me: “God, please give me the desire and ability to follow Your Son.”

God Is Trustworthy


“O LORD of hosts, blessed is the man that trusteth in thee.” (Psalm 84:12)

“Come on, Danny. Jump in! I’ll catch you!”

Danny listened as his dad called him to jump into the pool. It was a hot summer day, and Danny and his dad were spending an afternoon at the swimming pool. The only problem was that Danny didn’t know how to swim. And even though his father promised to catch him, Danny was afraid to jump into the water.

Danny had a wonderful dad. His dad always made sure that he had clothes to wear and good food to eat. He played ball with Danny every day after school and helped him with his homework. He made sure Danny was warm enough when the weather turned cold and took him swimming in the summer when it was hot. Once when Danny was playing in the street, his dad saved his life by running and snatching Danny from the road just before a car hit him. But even though Danny’s father loved him very much and was always there to take care of him, Danny did not trust his dad to catch him when he jumped into the water.

You might be just like Danny. Your Heavenly Father sacrificed His only Son so that you could have eternal life. He provides for all your needs, He blesses you everyday, and He answers your prayers. He’s done all this for you, and yet you still might struggle with trusting Him with your daily problems and needs. When you go through difficult situations, God wants you to trust Him. You can trust Him because He is God: He knows all and rules over all. He is your strength and refuge. Psalm 62:8 says, “Trust in him at all times, ye people, pour out your heart before him: God is a refuge for us.”

Trust God with all your problems because He is trustworthy.

My Response:
» Am I looking at my circumstances rather than looking at God?
» Am I trusting in myself or someone else when I should be trusting God?

God Cares for Me


“For He knoweth our frame; He remembereth that we are dust.” (Psalm 103:14)

God cares about me even though I am nothing but dust.

Dust. It’s the stuff that accumulates under your bed or on your dresser. It’s on top of the refrigerator or other places that never seem to get cleaned. It’s the stuff your mom asks you to wipe off of the furniture around the house. Most people don’t like dust. It’s just annoying. Dust is certainly something you wouldn’t try to collect and take care of. You would not love or protect or even talk to dust. Most people would think you were strange if you did any of those things. After all, it’s just dust, it’s not important; it’s not worth anything.

But do you know that God describes human beings as dust? Psalms 103:14 says, “For He knoweth our frame; He remembereth that we are dust.” The phrase “He knoweth our frame,” means that God knows what we are made of. And He should know what we are made of because He created us. Genesis 2:7 says God created man from “the dust of the ground.” You are nothing more important or significant than dust.

But even though you are dust and seemingly unimportant, God does love you, and care for you, and protect you. He does want to talk to you through His Word, and He also wants you to talk to Him through prayer. We should thank God that He cares so much about us. The whole point of Psalm 103 is that we should bless God for everything He has done for us such as forgiving and forgetting our sins, showing us mercy, healing us from sickness, and giving us strength. It’s great that we have a God that cares about us even though we are dust and don’t deserve it!

My Response:
» Do I thank God for caring about me?
» Do I remember that I’m nothing but dust and don’t deserve God’s love, or do I get proud and think more of myself more than I should?