Measuring God’s Mercy


“For as the heaven is high above the earth, so great is his mercy toward them that fear him” (Psalm 103:11).

“Look Dad, I see Orion’s Belt,” said Sarah. She pointed to three stars in a row right above them. Sarah and her dad were lying on a blanket on the porch, trying to find the constellations she had learned about in school.

“You’re right,” her dad said. “Do you see that bright star by his left foot? That one’s called Rigel.”

“That’s a nice name,” said Sarah. “How far away is Rigel?”

“I don’t know exactly. But if you traveled your whole life, you couldn’t get there.”

“It’s hard to imagine something being that far away,” said Sarah.

Sarah was right. It is hard to imagine traveling for a whole lifetime and never getting to the stars. But do you know something else that is hard to imagine? God’s mercy, or kindness. Psalm 103:11 says, “For as the heaven is high above the earth, so great is his mercy toward them that fear him.” That means that if we could stack up all the things God gives people in His mercy, the pile would be so high that it would not fit under the stars. God’s mercy allows Him to forgive us and to give us good things that we do not deserve. Aren’t you glad that God has so much mercy?

God’s mercy is greater than I can imagine.

My response:

» How has God showed me mercy?

» Have I thanked God for His mercy today?

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