How You Can See God


“Blessed are the pure in heart: for they shall see God” (Matthew 5:8).

Jesus tells us in Matthew 5:8 how we can see God. What does He say we need to be in order to see God? That’s right, we need to be pure in heart! But what does it mean to be pure in heart? What does it mean to be pure?

Being pure means not having anything that isn’t supposed to be there. If you have a glass of pure water, that means nothing except water is in the glass – no dirt, no bugs, no poison or anything else but water. If the water has something else in it, the water is not pure.

For a person to be pure means he has nothing in him that isn’t supposed to be there. He is just as God made him to be. In other words, there is no sin in him. He is not sinning on purpose. He is trying to be free from sin – in what he does and in what he thinks and desires. That is what it means to be “pure in heart.”

What is the promise to those who are pure in heart? “They shall see God.” Wow! What a promise! What could be more amazing than seeing God? Nothing! That is what every Christian wants. We want to see God, Who created us.

We who are saved by Jesus Christ, God’s own Son, will one day see Him in Heaven. Those who have turned away from their sins and asked Jesus to save them are made pure by His Holy Spirit, Who lives in them. They want to be godly and not sin. They want to do right and are really sorry when they sin, which means doing wrong. So, the pure in heart really will see God.

Do you want to see God? Have you been made pure in heart by asking Jesus to save you from your sins? If so, you will see God!

My response:

» Do I want to do right?

» Do I fill my mind with God and His Word so I can live in a pure way instead of constantly sinning and displeasing God?

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