God Wants Us to Show His Love to Others


“Beloved, let us love one another: for love is of God; and every one that loveth is born of God, and knoweth God. He that loveth not knoweth not God; for God is love” (1 John 4:7, 8).

I love pizza. I love my mom. I love ice cream. I love babies. I love reading. So many things and people to love. Okay, I don’t love pizza the same way I love my mom. It is different. Yet I spend time with those things I love: eating pizza when I can, reading books, holding babies. I show that I love these things by the time and energy I spend on them. I could say that I love mushrooms, which I don’t, and since I don’t eat them and don’t want them, it is very clear that my words are just words. My actions do not back up my words.

God is love. He has shown us His love. My love comes from God. I can say that I love God, but until I show my love, it is just a bunch of words. So how do I show that I love God? My actions need to match my words and back them up. Spending time with God by reading and learning verses in the Bible is one way, taking time to read and think on them for the day. Prayer is another way to spend time with God.

First John 4:7 and 8 tell us another way to show that we love God: when we love others, we show that we love God. Remember that saying we love others is not necessarily the same thing as really loving them. Our actions must back up our words. How do I show others my love for them? Again, spending time with others is one way. Kindness also shows our love for others. Speaking kindly and showing kindness display God’s love. Listening to others is another way to show love to them. Helping others in need also shows the love of God.

We can show God’s love in many ways.

My response:

» What will I do to show that I love God?

» How will I spend time with Him today?

» How will I love others today?

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