God Secures Your Steps


“He . . . set my feet upon a rock, and established my steps” (Psalm 40:2).

Have you ever watched a young child learning how to walk? The child totters around while the parents offer praise to encourage the little one to take more steps. Smartphones come out to record the event. The parents quickly clear the way to keep the child from getting hurt. Usually the little one falls many times in this process, but gets back up each time and tries again. Often, the parents are there when the child falls, so they help their little one stand back up. But good parents would never push their child over on purpose.

You aren’t a baby any more, but you still have to learn to walk. Yes, you may know how to walk on two feet, but there’s another “walk” you need to work on. In the New Testament, Paul compares the Christian’s life to a walk. As you probably know by now, the Christian life is not always an easy walk. Temptations come frequently. Hard times unexpectedly pop up along the way. Life doesn’t always go the way you plan it.

But Christians have a Heavenly Father who helps them learn to walk the Christian life. He is beside you with every step. Does that mean that you’ll never fall down? No! But just like a little child learning to walk, you have a wonderful person beside you to help you up: God. David asked the Lord for help, and God responded by putting David’s feet on a solid rock to keep him from slipping. You can’t get any more secure than that!

Your Heavenly Father will strengthen your steps in the Christian walk.

My response:

» How am I struggling in my Christian walk?

» Have I asked my Heavenly Father to strengthen my steps?

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