God Keeps His Promises


“There hath not failed one word of all his good promise” (1 Kings 8:56b).

Kayla was sitting in the living room staring out the window when her grandfather came in. “Why such a long face? It’s a beautiful day out,” he said.

Kayla frowned. “Dad promised to take me to the zoo today, but he had to go to work. He broke his promise.”

Kayla’s grandfather took a Bible off the coffee table and sat on the couch next to her. “I’m sorry you’re disappointed. We all get let down by others. But there is One Who will never break a promise.”

Kayla sat up and started listening. She could not think of anyone who had never broken a promise. Her grandfather opened the Bible to 1 Kings 8 and started telling her about the temple Solomon had built. “When the temple was finished, Solomon prayed to God, thanking Him for keeping the promises He had made to His children.”

“What kind of promises?” Kayla asked.

Her grandfather told her about God’s promise to Abraham that even though he was an old man, he would have a son. And through that son, his family would number more than the stars in the sky. He also told Kayla God’s promise to Moses that God would deliver Israel from Egypt and give them the Promised Land.  

As her grandfather read the Bible to her, Kayla was amazed that all those promises had come true. “The Bible is full of many more promises,” her grandfather said. “One of my favorite promises is the promises of eternal life for those who trust Jesus Christ as their Savior.”

“Are you sure God will keep His promises?” Kayla asked.

Her grandfather smiled, turned in his Bible to the book of Hebrews, and pointed to a passage in chapter 10, verse 23. “Let us hold fast the profession of our faith without wavering; (for he is faithful that promised).” He gave Kayla a big hug and said, “You never have to doubt God’s promises.”

God will keep all His promises.

» When I read promises in the Bible, do I believe God will keep them?

» Is there a promise I am afraid God won’t keep?

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