God Is Eternal


“The everlasting God the Lord, the Creator of the ends of the earth, fainteth not” (Isaiah 40:28).

“Hey, Tim—will you look at that moon?” James poked his friend’s sleeping bag.

“Hmmm . . . hey—I was just falling asleep!” Tim rolled over on his back.

“Sorry—it takes me a while to fall asleep when I’m in the backyard like this. So how long do you think the moon has been there?”

“Well, it has been there for the ten and one-half years that I have been alive.” Tim yawned.

“Be serious, Tim. My Sunday School teacher said God created the world about six thousand to ten thousand years ago. So, if the moon was created on the third day, then it could be close to ten thousand years old.”

“That is a long time to be hanging around in one place,” Tim replied.

“But Tim, that is not long at all to God—He has been around forever.” James folded his pillow to get comfortable.

“How could someone do that? That would mean he was never born and would never die.”

“Exactly, Tim. But God is not just anyone; He is the eternal God.”

“Wow—I think I would get tired or bored living that long. He must be really old. Does He have white hair?” Tim leaned on one elbow and looked toward James in the darkness.

“Well, no one has ever seen God, but I know He does not look like us, and He does not live by time like we do. He doesn’t use any calendars or clocks.” James tried to explain.

“Hey—how does He know when to do things? Does He ever forget?”

“Shh! You’re going to wake up my parents. I am glad you are coming to church with me tomorrow. We can talk to my teacher about it. But if we are going to be ready in the morning, we should go to sleep now.” James yawned.

“Okay, but I hope I can remember all my questions. Now I’m the one who is wide awake!”

Our God is eternal. He lives forever.

My response:

» Have I ever just sat and thought about how long forever is?

» Do I use opportunities to talk to my unsaved friends about God?

» Do I feel secure because I know that God is everlasting?

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