God Is Eternal


“The eternal God is thy refuge, and underneath are the everlasting arms: and he shall thrust out the enemy from before thee” (Deuteronomy 33:27).

What is the largest number you know? A googol (“the figure 1 followed by 100 zeros”)? A googolplex (“a 1 followed by a googol of zeros”)? That is a big number. Bigger than my imagination. Yet no matter what number we come up with, there is always a larger number. Just add one to your large number, and you have a larger number. The same is true if you go the other direction: keep subtracting one, and there is no stopping the negative numbers either. Our number system seems to have no ending point on either end of the number line. That must be why we use arrows on the line.

God, too, has arrows on all ends of Who He is. He has no beginning and no ending. God is eternal. Because He is eternal, His love is eternal. His forgiveness is eternal. His promises are eternal. His mercy is eternal. That is mind blowing! There is no end to the love, mercy, forgiveness, and promises of God. There is no end to any of His attributes.

There is no end to Who God is.

My response:

» Have I made God out to be smaller than He really is?

» Do I think God cannot forgive me or love me?

» Will I talk to God, knowing that He is far bigger than I can ever imagine?

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