God Is Always Available


“God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble” (Psalm 46:1).

What does it mean when someone is not available? Maybe your mom has taught you to take a telephone message for her when she cannot come to the phone. She has probably told you to say something like this: “I’m sorry, but Mom is not available right now. May I please take a message?” When you tell someone that your mom is “not available,” it may mean she is not at home, or it may mean she is giving the dog a bath and is up to her elbows in soapy water. Whatever Mom is doing, the point is that the person trying to call her cannot reach her. The caller will have to wait or try again later.

Sometimes we can’t reach people when we need them. We get their answering machines or their voicemail messages when we try to call them. But God is never out of reach when we call on His name. The Bible tells us that He is “a very present help”—especially when we’re in trouble. One translation of the Bible has this wording in the margin: “abundantly available for help.” When you go to God in prayer and ask Him for help, He is always available! In fact, He is very or abundantly available. He is ready, willing, and eager to help you. You must come in the name of His Son, Jesus Christ (John 14:6). You also must not be hanging onto any sin that you’re unwilling to confess when you come to Him (Psalm 66:18). But as long as you’re coming in obedience to these conditions, you can come to Him for help any time at all.

What kind of trouble can God help you with? Maybe you’ve started attending a new school, church, or club, and you’re finding it hard to make friends. God can help you reach out to others. Maybe you’re upset because your brother or sister has treated you unfairly. God can help you forgive and love in return. Maybe you’re worried about a family member who is sick. God will listen to you and carry your burden for you so you don’t have to worry. Whatever your problem, nothing is too great or too small for God to care about and help you with. Don’t hesitate to come to Him and ask His help. He is always available to you.

God is always available to help us.

My response:

» What problem do I need to take to God for His help?

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