God Gives Us Everything We Need


“According as his divine power hath given unto us all things that pertain unto life and godliness, through the knowledge of him that hath called us to glory and virtue” (2 Peter 1:3).

Do you think your mom has the power to feed you every day? Does she ever tell you, “I’m sorry, but I just couldn’t get up the strength to feed you today”? Does she send you to school without any clothes on because she just doesn’t want to buy you clothes? Of course not. Your mom wants you to get everything you need to live.

Your mom can probably give you everything you need for living on earth, but God gives you everything you need for living on earth and in Heaven. God is more powerful than anything or anyone else. After all, He made the universe! He’s the one who makes it possible for you to live and to make it through this life. But God doesn’t stop at providing things you need to live your physical life. Every day He gives you the things you need for your spiritual life too—strength, faithfulness, love, and grace.

How does God give you these wonderful gifts? By the knowledge of His Son, Jesus. Jesus knows what people need. He lived on earth too. God’s gifts to you come when you know who Jesus is and what He has done. It’s not just knowing about Jesus. It’s knowing Jesus. Think of it this way—you know that people live down the street from you, but you probably don’t know every single person on your street. But you do know your mom. She’s the one who gives you good things. You know who she is and what she does for you. That’s the way you should know Jesus—as the Person Who can provide for you and who loves you with a love that never ends. God will provide everything you need to get through life, both physically and spiritually, as you come to know His Son more and more.

God provides physical and spiritual needs through Jesus.

My response:

» How does God provide for my needs?

» When will I take time today to thank God for providing what I need?

» How will I learn more about Jesus today?

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