God Doesn’t Play Favorites


“Of a truth I perceive that God is no respecter of persons.” (Acts 10:34b)

“Hey, let’s play kickball!” someone yelled.

“Yeah!” shouted some of the other kids around the playground.

“Ok, we need to make teams then. Ben and Jamie, you can be the captains to choose the teams.”

Group games can be a lot of fun, but the waiting-to-be-picked part can be torture sometimes, especially if you are never among the first to be chosen. As you stand there waiting for someone to say your name, it’s easy to think, “Oh, why couldn’t I be a fast runner like Jenny?” or “Why can’t I throw far like Andrew? If I were better, then I know I’d get picked sooner!”

Or perhaps you are just “different” somehow. Maybe your skin color is different, or maybe you do not have the same kind of family background as the other kids in your neighborhood. Your wish might be, “Oh, if I only looked like the other kids!” or “If only my family were normal!”

But did you know that there is Someone who does not judge you by your abilities (or lack of them!) or by your appearance?

Acts 10:34b-35 says, “God is no respecter of persons: but in every nation he that feareth him, and worketh righteousness, is accepted with him.”

What a comfort! God does not love us less or more based on how talented or impressive we are. More than that, God does not judge us according to where we come from. In fact, it was the Apostle Peter who said these words to a group of people who were considered to be “different” from him. What is important to God is that we honor and obey Him!

The next time you find yourself in a situation where people are playing favorites, if you feel discouraged, remember that God never plays that game! If you have found grace in the eyes of God, be grateful for His mercy and lovingkindness, and honor Him with your life.

God does not show partiality or respect of persons based on their appearance or abilities. He accepts us in the Beloved (His Son Jesus Christ).

My Response:
» Have I been comparing my abilities and appearance and family situation to others’?
» Can I rest in the truth that God will never love me for what I can be or do, but that He loves unconditionally?
» How can I be like God in not “playing favorites” with people?

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