Asking God for Help Encourages Others


“Therefore, brethren, we were comforted over you in all our affliction and distress by your faith” (1 Thessalonians 3:7).

Jeremy had a bad day at school. Nothing went his way. He dropped his food in the lunchroom, he got a D on his spelling test, and he tripped when he was playing in the gym. At home, Jeremy told his mom, “I don’t want to play baseball anymore! I’m not good at it, I’m already having a bad day.”

Jeremy’s mom asked him to go to the baseball game anyway, to support his team and his friends. After the team warmed up, the coach called the players in and led the team in prayer, asking God to help them show good sportsmanship. When the players took the field, Jeremy noticed that one of them had a prosthetic leg. Jeremy watched as the boy ran into the field and then tripped. The boy stood up again, smiling as he dusted the clay off of his jersey. As he watched this, Jeremy remembered how he had complained about his bad day earlier. Encouraged by the other boy’s spirit to continue despite his circumstances, Jeremy thought about the coach’s prayer and ran onto the field to join his team.

Sometimes it feels as if life isn’t fair and things just won’t go our way. When this happens, you might think it will be easier if you just give up. Instead of giving up, remember to pray to God and put your trust in Him.

If you ask God for help when you have a hard time, you inspire others to do the same thing.

My response:

» Do I give up when things don’t go my way?

» Do I ask for God’s guidance?

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