God’s Word Is Truth


“Sanctify them through thy truth: thy word is truth” (John 17:17).

What is truth? The world is telling us that truth is what we make it—whatever you believe the truth to be is the truth. But that is not what God says.

God tells us that truth is trustworthy. Truth is enlightening. Truth exposes lies. Have you ever watched a courtroom scene? Every person who testifies is sworn to tell the truth. Not everyone does, but the purpose is to find the truth. Only by finding the truth can they determine the guilt or innocence of the person on trial.

Jesus prayed that God would sanctify His followers with truth (John 17:17). “To sanctify” means “to set aside for purity” or “to be free from sin.” Truth purifies. Where do we find this purifying truth? John tells us that God’s Word is truth. Not only do we find truth in the Bible, but since it is God’s Word, it is truth. We can hold up anything to God’s Word and compare it. Truth will line up with the Word. Untruths do not line up.

Comparing things to God’s Word takes time to learn. You must learn what God’s Word says to know truth and expose lies. Have you ever known what your parents would say even when they are not there? That is because you know them so well. Get to know God the same way.

God is truth and learning His Word will help you know truth.

My response:

» Am I reading and learning about God through His Word?

» What did I learn about God today?

» When was the last time I could tell that something was a lie or an untruth because it did not line up with God’s Word?

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