God Is Spirit


“God is a Spirit: and they that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth” (John 4:24).

Nouns are interesting things. A noun is a word that names a person, place, thing, or idea. While it’s easy to recognize a noun when it’s used in a sentence, nouns are really more like ideas than actual things. I can’t hold a noun, or smell it, or taste it, or hear it, or see it. Nouns are funny that way.

God is not an idea, but He is a spirit. You cannot hold Him, see Him, or hear Him. He is not the same as us. Because He is spirit, He can be everywhere at the same time.

So how does a human have a relationship with a being that is spirit? John 4:24 answers that question. We worship. We worship in spirit. We worship in truth. God has given us a spirit so we can talk to Him and worship Him in spirit. God has a plan and a purpose. He made us with the purpose of worshiping Him. We worship His Spirit through our spirit.

Worshiping in spirit is not an emotion. But emotions may be present. Worshiping in spirit comes from the deepest part of who we are. We worship with the whole heart. This comes as we know God’s Word and desire to obey Him. Even when we fail, we confess our sins and receive God’s forgiveness, and then worship Him more, since we have experienced so much forgiveness.

God is Spirit, and He deserves our worship.

My response:

» Am I worshiping God?

» Am I worshiping in spirit?

» Am I learning from God’s Word Who God is so I can worship Him?

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