Emily Chubbuck Judson


“Time and eternity are here.”

Emily Chubbuck was born in New York on August 22. Being part of a very poor family, Emily was forced to work in the mills by the time she was twelve years old. She wanted to learn as much as she could, however, so she went to school during the winter and she worked during the summer – leaving no extra time to be a “normal kid.” She became a teacher when she was just fifteen years old.

When she wasn’t working her other jobs, Emily found that writing was one of her favorite things to do. She enjoyed writing and publishing books for children. She was especially good at writing poetry and wrote under the pen name – or “pretend name” – of “Fanny Forrester.” Her Sunday School books were a big help to Christians around the world.

Everything she did was for God and for her family.

The missionary Adoniram Judson – whose wife Sarah had recently died – heard about Emily and asked her to write Sarah’s biography. Emily wrote the book, and the authoress and the missionary developed a special friendship. Judson ended up marrying her later that year. They returned to the mission field of Burma where Emily served Jesus Christ alongside her husband. She might have become famous for her writing and made a lifelong name for herself, had she not chosen to go to the mission field instead.

Later in his life, Adoniram Judson got very sick and he left on a boat to get medical help. He died on the boat and it took four months for Emily to get the news that her husband was not coming home. She continued to work and pray, trusting that God would take care of her all the time.

Emily often spoke about the importance of using her talents for Jesus Christ. She genuinely desired for God to use her talents to spread the Gospel.

What talents and gifts has God given you that could be used in God’s work?

Colossians 3:23 – And whatever you do, do it heartily, as to the Lord and not to men.

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